Our PCC Team and Responsibilities
Reverend Julie Willmot Priest-in-Charge (ex-officio Chair) including St Margaret’s Woodham Mortimer and All Saints Purleigh.
Michael Bradbrook and James Rushton
Patricia Adams
Angela Beighton (Weddings)
Michael Bradbrook (Churchwarden, PCC representative on School Governing Body and joint Lay Chair)
Mandy Cheek (Electoral Roll Officer)
Geoff Hicks (Diocesan Representative on the School Governing Body)
James Rushton (Churchwarden and joint Lay Chair)
Katherine Tompkins (Secretary).
Barrie Harding (Treasurer)
Anne Rushton (Safeguarding Officer)
Scott Gailer (Deanery Synod Representative)
Churchwardens are elected annually and are members of the PCC ex-officio