A small Church with a Big Heart
The good news of Jesus is for everyone, and St Michael’s Church invites you
to come as you are and feel at home.
In worship we share the gospel message, praise God in song
and hold His world in prayer.
In fellowship with one another we share friendship,
hospitality and care.
In our lives and our communities, we look to see where God is already at work
and serve Him by simply joining in.
Whether you already live with the Christian faith as your foundation or have no faith at all, if you are seeking to know more or simply need a place of stillness for quiet reflection, we welcome you.
St Michael’s is committed to Safeguarding Children, Young People, Victims of Domestic Abuse and Vulnerable Adults.
The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England’s website.
The Parish Safeguarding Officer is Anne Rushton, who may be contacted at 07929 921997 or by email: rushtonanne@gmail.com
Hard copies of the Parish Safeguarding Handbook and the Diocese Safeguarding Manual may be obtained from the Parish Safeguarding Officer,
Anne Rushton, via email rushtonanne@gmail.com
See us also on:
Woodham Walter : St Michael the Archangel – A Church Near You

Church members and the Parish Priest take regular assemblies and perform ‘Open The Book’ in the Village Primary school and the children and the staff are frequently in church. By building on this contact then hopefully not only will the children be attracted to the church, but the young parents will also come along.
It is important that the Church of St Michael’s fulfils its commitment to all age groups who live in the parish of Woodham Walter. At present the focus is towards the village school children who are the seed corn of the future church. The church is welcomed into the school and Tadpoles but it is the face to face contact with staff, parents and children which is so important. The expectation of the parents is that this should be by the ordained priest. If this is achieved, then hopefully not only will the children be attracted to the church but the young parents will also come along. When this happens a welcome and meaningful service must be provided for them.
The Church members are proud of their faith and hope the proposed new building additions will help strengthen the bonds between the Church and the community.
Do come and visit us and see our unique church and lovely village.
Upcoming Events
Pet Blessing Service 2023
St Michael's Church Woodham Walter Pet Blessing Service. Sunday 23rd July 2023 at 3.00pm. All pets accompanied by humans are welcome
Flower Festival 2024
Festival of Flowers 2024Theme: The Joy of Flowers The 2024 Flower Festival will take place over the weekend of 12th July - 15th July inclusive. Open Friday, Saturday and Monday 10am until 5pm Sunday 11am until 5pm Refreshments Available, Free Admission, Live Music...
Copyright © 2022 The Church of St Michael the Archangel, Woodham Walter.