Rev’s Reflection September 2023


As the deadline approaches for submission of articles, what do I write about for this month’s magazine? I have no idea … I’ve run out of thoughts … my creativity has escaped through the open window … I have no more words left in me … !

I suppose I could talk about this month being a time of new beginnings although I know Advent will be another new start as we enter the Church’s new year and then of course comes January 1st, but no, actually even though I no longer work in school full time, September still signifies the beginning of a new year to me. Heyho.

I could perhaps speak about the torrential rain that we experienced in August and how we still comfort ourselves by saying … “well, the gardens needed it” and then reflect on the heat raging and affecting so tragically other parts of the world.

I might simply talk about how when packing for a break away I had to get my travel bag out of the loft secretly, out of sight of Toby dog, to avoid a canine depression setting in. I wouldn’t mind but he always comes with me!

I could possibly mention that I meant to carve out a new border in the garden to add interest…. and didn’t get around to it and maybe I could confess that the painting of 2 fence panels each evening with the plan being to complete the lot in 2 weeks(ish) … didn’t happen either.

There are lots of possibilities, but wait a minute… what if I was to think about what has inspired me recently? Well, without any hesitation I’ll tell you that it’s not ‘what’ but ‘who’.

Just over a year ago a young new curate, licensed to 4 neighbouring parishes, found himself landed with a colleague called Julie. Circumstance framed and formed this unusual curacy context for him and as a result I have been enormously happy to work alongside Revd Jordan Palmer since the summer of last year. Between us we have been trickling our time across our combined 7 parishes and I am so pleased that on September 30th Jordan will be ordained Priest and I will be one very proud Training Incumbent.

Jordan’s ordination this month means that he will now concentrate his time within his own four parishes and our time leading Sunday services together will draw to a close. It has been a joy and a privilege to work alongside him, he has enthusiasm and energy plus thankfully a great sense of humour. I am so pleased that we will continue to meet and reflect on his ongoing ministry during the remainder of his curacy before he and his lovely family eventually in a couple of years move on to pastures new where I am certain they will be a blessing to all.

In the end writing this month’s article wasn’t hard at all, I just had to look for a blessing right in front of my eyes.


Julie                         ‘Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them…’ Romans 12.6